Rocky Fondren - Founder & Sr.Leader

 God sent His Son to die for me and for all of humanity. It is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ that has saved me and delivered me from 23 years of enslavement to drugs. In 1968, at the age of 17 and a senior in High School I began using drugs with classmates during the hippie movement, we where labeled the “Psychedelic Generation." I was raised in a Christian home and was loved by both my parents therefore I have no excuse for the path that I chose. I experimented with marijuana, LSD, and prescription medications. In 1971 I was drafted into the U.S. Army. It was an honor to have served my country during those difficult times our country was going through. It was during this time I was introduced to heroin. After finishing my tour (with honor) in the army, I spent the next 17 years using alcohol, heroin, and cocaine. I tried seven different secular drug institutions. I was prescribed Valium and various anti-depressants for my mental torment and Methadone for my Heroin addiction. In 1991 I finally surrendered to God by entering Canaan Land Ministries, a one year Christian recovery program in Alabama. It was at Canaan Land that I received Jesus as LORD & Savior. For the first time God’s Word became revelation to me by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit. He also gave me purpose for life. God spoke to my heart and told me to testify of His love to others enslaved in abusive lifestyle, I graduated from Canaan Land with success. 




In 1993 I joined Mercy Ships for three years as an ocean going missionary. I was assigned to work in the engine room. It was a time of refining in my life as the Lord purged out years of bitterness, selfishness, faultfinding, and anger. God used the uncomfortable environment of a ships engine room (sea-sickness & smell of diesel fuel) to develop character and intimacy with Him. I asked God for a Christian wife. I met my wife to be, Debbie the first year with MercyShips. God had sent me His best and we were joined in marriage in 1998. There was much more preparation for the both of us. In 1996 I became a Staff member of Maranatha Church in Mont Belvieu, Texas. I was trained in different ministry assignments while at Maranatha Church. I am convinced if it had not been for strong anointed leadership at Maranatha Church, I would not have been qualified for mentoring men. God has placed me for training by His best and I am thankful.


After four years Debbie & I were released with our pastor’s blessing to pioneer Shiloh Ministries in the year 2000. (Update! Rocky & Debbie Fondren are called in 2020 to open Shiloh Church in downtown Liberty TX.). My life has been dramatically changed by God’s divine intervention. The LORD has added so many blessings to my life to value and steward. God is love and He is real. Do not miss out on the best gift ever given to mankind, “Jesus Christ." Life is a matter of choices. Choose the abundant life with God or a life of insignificance. God desires to give you joy unspeakable. I praise God for His faithfulness in response to my cry for help. 


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Debbie Fondren -  Founder & Sr.Leader

 Debbie answered a salvation call as a twenty year old, but it was not until later that she came to understand and have revelation of Jesus as her Lord. Looking to fill the void in her heart, she came up short every time. Many poor decisions involving relationships fear of man, people pleasing, selfishness, pride, and performance oriented snares kept her in bondage. In 1992 a double tragedy involving the complete destruction of her home by fire and then 10 days later the death of her former husband through suicide left her with a numbness and further void that only God could remedy. After realizing the degree of her helplessness, she cried out to God for help and she was ready to listen, obey and do it God’s Way. Being led to quit her job as a Registered Nurse with Hospice, she launched out following The Holy Spirit’s lead, and joined Youth with a Mission in 1993. Serving in Nashville and abroad for five years she discovered God was not finished with her, and that HE loved her simply for her. She met Rocky in the Dominican Republic while serving as a Missionary Nurse to the people of Barahona. Continuing to follow God’s leading, Debbie and Rocky were married in 1998. Trusting God that HE had indeed orchestrated HIS plans for a Ministry called Shiloh, Debbie alongside her husband Rocky stood in faith, and against all odds, called out those things that were not as though they were and believed for God to manifest HIMSELF step by step. Today, God continues to reveal HIMSELF at Shiloh Ministries in Liberty, Texas. Debbie celebrates her life of faith and amazing Grace through JESUS her LORD. She loves being an eye witness to miracles everyday of provision, healing, deliverances, restoration, and redemption. Numbers of men entering Shiloh and their families are being set free and discovering for themselves HIS Amazing Love, Grace, and YES, that HE has a plan for their lives and that HE SIMPLY LOVES THEM FOR THEM.

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 Cade Carrier- Office Manager


Cade Carrier came to Shiloh in 2008 bruised, battered, and entangled in a fifteen-year drug addiction. He was desperately searching for something to fill the void of hopelessness that he had been carrying for so many years. He states he was changed forever when he made the choice to surrender all to God and yielded to the work of Holy Spirit in his life. Cade testifies that Holy Spirit came in, cleansed him, delivered him, and set him free from all the chains and shackles that addiction had bound him in. Cade found his identity in Christ and God gave him all the spiritual tools and instruments he needed to live a life that truly is bringing Glory to His Kingdom. God has restored and continues to reveal wisdom and revelation to Cade. Cade has been connected to Shiloh Ministries for many years. The Lord has given him the desire and opportunity to be involved in the Discipleship of men who need deliverance and revelation of Jesus and also their value and identity in Christ. Cade also went through Discipleship Training through Youth with a Mission, and has had the privilege to serve as a Missionary in East Africa. He expresses his thankfulness for the Faithfulness of God in his life. Cade is married to Heather Carrier who serves on Staff at Shiloh Ministries as well. "But none of these things move me; nor do I count my life dear to myself, so that I may finish my race with joy, and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of the grace of God." Acts 20:24

Heather Carrier- Kitchen & Office Manager


Heather Carrier is married to Cade and they have 3 children which has given them 4 precious grandchildren. Cade & Heather are from Oakdale, Louisiana. Heather is a graduate of the House of Destiny in Votaw Tx. She arrived at HOD in Dec. of 2009 with a broken and abandoned heart. Heather testifies that her year at HOD produced an identity of being in Christ that has brought victory and healing. Both Heather and Cade have been involved with world missions with Youth With A Mission. Heather brings a heart of compassion for broken men & women. She feels compelled by the Holy Spirit to be a conduit of healing for others. Her life is a testimony of the greatness of our Heavenly Father that always welcomes the prodigals home for reconciliation that leads to the restoration of all things. Heather says, that she sees the Heavenly Father as an Artist that uses Shiloh as a canvas to paint the story of Luke 15:20–24, ‘So, he (prodigal) set out and came to His Father. But when he was still a long way off, His Father saw him and felt compassion for him and ran and embraced him and kissed him. And the son said to Him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and in Your sight; I am no longer worthy of being called Your son.’ But the Father said to His slaves, ‘Quickly bring out the best robe and put it on him, and put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet; and bring the fattened calf, slaughter it, and let’s eat and celebrate;  for this son of Mine was dead and has come to life again; he was lost and has been found.’ And they began to celebrate."




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Garrett Fuselier Resident Counselor

Garrett is a graduate of Shiloh Ministries. Garrett came to us from his home town of Kinder, LA. He came to Shiloh Ministries a desperate and broken man. He had no hope in life, exhausted and destitute of trying to live life as he knew how until He met Christ Jesus. For Garrett it is knowing Christ and the power of His resurection. "More than that, I now regard all things as liabilities compared to the far greater value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things - indeed, I regard them as dung! - that I may gain Christ, and be found in him, not because I have my own righteousness derived from the law, but because I have the righteousness that comes by way of Christ’s faithfulness - a righteousness from God that is in fact based on Christ’s faithfulness. My aim is to know him, to experience the power of his resurrection, to share in his sufferings, and to be like him in his death, and so, somehow, to attain to the resurrection from the dead." (Phillippians 3:8-10). Garrett serves as lead maintenance superviser, and counselor at Shiloh Ministries. Garrett, along with his wife Meranda have 4 children, both minister to the children at Shiloh Church in Liberty TX.

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  Fairin White - Resident Counselor

Fairin is a Shiloh Graduate from Baytown TX. After graduating from Shiloh Ministries Fairin served as an Intern. Fairin is an excellent example of a true Jesus Follower, who serves humanity in the love that only Jesus Christ can impart to a yielded vessel. After completing his Internship Fairin was invited to become a Staff Member here at Shiloh (If you would like to read Fairin's Bio please go to Newsletter Link & archive section under June 2023). Fairin is an overcomer by The Grace of God. He is a humble servant who carries out all of his assignments with joy. He is another life reconcled for restoration. We are blessed to have such excellent in spirit individuals, such as Fairin & the other Staff & Intern Members here at Shiloh Ministries. Fairin currently serves as a Bible Teacher in the classroom & also in the Maintenance Dept. at the Shiloh Ministries campus. Fairin is also an anointed member of our Ministry Team, who Ministers at the Altar at Shiloh Church in Downtown Liberty Tx. One of Fairin's life verse is Galatians 2:20, "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me."







Shiloh Ministries would like to extend it's thanks to Ron DiCianni
for allowing the use of his painting, "The Prodigal", for our header.
"Image copyrighted by Art2See, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Somerset House Publishing, Inc."

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