Tresure in Jars of Clay

“But we have this treasure in jars of clay, to show the surpassing power belongs to GOD, & not to us.” 2 Corinthians 4:7

While in Praise and Worship several weeks ago, the words Contain and Disperse came up. The Holy Spirit was impressing to us His heart for this message. Looking at those words and dissecting them a bit more, we understand they are both action words. Contain means to restrain and to hold within, while disperse means to cause to become spread widely, to distribute from a fixed or constant source. We understand the Holy Spirit is leading us in these crucial times to not hold our Priceless Treasure to ourselves but to witness to others with each opportunity that He provides. The most priceless gift that we can give to another is The Gospel. Yet so many times, we live our lives day in and day out, in a survival mode for ourselves and the immediate people and things that concern us. When we disperse our Faith, we are intentional to be The Lord’s heartbeat in action for the lost. We, as Followers of Jesus that have been redeemed, are a blessed people that have been given Faith. Our Faith is meant to be stretched, developed more, and mature. We will never develop our spiritual faith muscle if we do not use it. We will remain babes In Christ if we do not purpose in our hearts and get in alignment and therefore actively share our Faith. God’s Word tells us without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he that calls upon HIM must believe that HE exists and that HE is a rewarder of those that diligently seek HIM. In order for us to share our Faith effectively, we must be a people that diligently seek HIM for opportunities, open doors, empowerment from Holy Spirit, instructions, wisdom, and preparation of the hearts of those that we will come in contact with. We must ask HIM to give us a heart for the lost, as we cannot manufacture this on our own. There are times in our lives when dispersing is very costly. We must already have counted the cost. God’s Word instructs us. We will have decisions spring upon us whether we will contain our faith or disperse it. We must be already in obedience to The Lord and available no matter what assignment HE gives us. It was very costly for the woman to break open the alabaster jar and give to Jesus that very costly perfume while in the audience of others watching. She was mocked and ridiculed. When we are intentional to honor Him and minister to His Heart regardless of the outcome, we are indeed breaking open the alabaster jar of our hearts that contain that very costly aroma that is wholeheartedly His, and it will be dispersed. We are ministering unto Jesus when we desire for His Kingdom to be advanced. This is the very reason He came. If we truly are Faith people, we disperse and not contain. Now wisdom must guide us, when, how, and who at any given point. We do not make our own assignments. We report to Him for service. We yield to The Potter because we are the clay. We are thankful that He molds us and makes us into vessels fit for His use. And all along while enjoying His Presence within us, His longings become ours. Jesus was poured out for us. William Booth of The salvation Army stated, “He wants people who shall be like Him in Spirit, life, & Character as to make others feel as though the very shadow of God has crossed their path.” We as redeemed people of Christ that love Him and have an on-going nurturing relationship with Him are to be fully engaged in exploits with our King. (Daniel 11:32b). God’s Word tells us that we are to be Salt and Light. (Matthew 5:13-16). We are to carry the aroma of Christ. (2 Corinthians 2:15-17). “But how shall they ask Him to save them unless they believe in Him? And how can they believe in Him if they have never heard about Him? And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?” Romans 10:14. Every single born again person has God-given gifts and abilities specifically for the utilization of sharing our faith about Jesus. Every Follower of Jesus has a specific designated Mission Field. Billy Graham said it like this, “A Missionary is not one that crosses the sea, but one that sees The Cross.” The ones that are most effective in sharing The Gospel are the ones that stay passionate about Jesus. They are the Listeners to His Heartbeat by His Word and Hosting His presence. They are the thankful ones that have been delivered and do not forget His Grace and Mercy, and how He saved and rescued them off of the slave block on the way to hell. They are participants and actively engaged in the specific Mission Field that He has ordained for them. They ask Him for compassion for the lost. They ask Him for opportunities and Divine Holy Spirit Set-ups. They are alert, watchful, and prayerful. They are in essence people of prayer. They truly know that Holy Spirit is the one that must draw individuals and that only God can convict and convert. They are a people that are truly utterly dependent upon Him. Effective Followers of Christ spend time in prayer. They are not quick in and quick out. They long for His presence and host His presence. They know that prayer is indeed dialogue with The Lord and it really never ends. They inquire of Him. They ask Him to fill them a fresh and a new every day. A true Jesus Follower is compelled with the urgency of the Gospel message, knowing that anyone without Christ is doomed for a literal hell for all of eternity. These are the ones that are intentional about dispersing the Priceless treasure of The Gospel that they have. They spend time in God’s Word, and love His Word, knowing it is God’s Word that instructs them. (2 Timothy 2:15) A True Disciple of Jesus will long to tell HIS STORY, and go forth Dispersing The Gospel.

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Shiloh Ministries would like to extend it's thanks to Ron DiCianni
for allowing the use of his painting, "The Prodigal", for our header.
"Image copyrighted by Art2See, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Somerset House Publishing, Inc."

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