Will You Thrive in 25?
“But Grow in the Grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” 2 Peter 3:18
It’s a New Year that is brimming with goals, resolutions, expectancy, hopes and dreams.
A fresh clean slate is given. What are you desiring?
We believe for more Spiritual Depth. We truly want the manifestation of His Fruit flourishing in our lives in a greater detail. There is so much more to learn, to grow, and to experience In Christ. We have absolutely no desire to rehash
disappointments and failures of the past. We do not want to be casual, on the side lines, and on cruise control. We choose to steer clear of the landmines of this world’s passions. This driving force is from Him. He has given us an earnest desire for more of HIM, and to become more like HIM. HE catapults us as the old hymn states, “Onward Christian Soldiers marching as to war, with The Cross of Jesus going on before.”
This desire is not for a selected few but for every Disciple of The Lord. The Apostle Peter instructs us to Grow in the Grace and Knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:18.
The word thrive means to flourish, grow in maturity, blossom, & succeed. Spiritual Maturity manifests as we continually walk in His Spirit, dialogue with Him ongoing, study HIS Word, obey HIM, and fellowship and serve where HE plants us. We must also guard our hearts against disappointments, offenses, bitterness and any unforgiveness for such will cause our growth to be a cesspool of stagnation.
If we are going to thrive in 25, we will need the power of The Holy Spirit. Sheer willpower and intellectual calisthenics will not get us in a position to thrive. We must have Spirit Fuel. Gods Word tells us that it is, “Not by might, not by power, but by MY SPIRIT SAYS THE LORD.” Zechariah 4:6.
Thriving requires mountains of multiplied Grace; therefore, humility is a requirement to thrive. “God opposes the proud but gives Grace to the Humble.” James 4:6. Only by God’s Grace can we flourish in this fallen world. Grace never denies our efforts or circumvents our intentional discipline, but our efforts alone fall miserably short. Spiritual Growth takes place with HIS SUPER on our natural. Those that truly blossom spiritually have not been more determined or even had what the world defines as luck, but they miraculously have been graced by God. It is Power from Him to accomplish and be what He has destined. HIS GRACE IS INDEED AMAZING.
It is HE that captures hearts. Those that do not want to waste time, opportunities, talents, and priceless invitations to grow more into His image. When we develop more into His Character there will be more people influenced to know Him, love Him, and serve Him. HE will be exalted.
2025…. So many things can happen in a year's time. What kind of year will it be? Will you thrive in Spiritual Maturity? Will you develop into becoming more like HIM? Will you be motivated with a pure & compassionate heart for those yet to surrender to The Lordship of Christ? Will you throw off every weight that would so easily entangle you as stated in Hebrews 12:1? Will you go deeper in your intimate relationship with HIM in 2025 ?
Father God in Jesus Name, we long for more. We want more of Your Presence, and more maturation of the manifestation of Your Fruit within our lives. We desire more open doors and opportunities to be Your heart to those that are oppressed and hopeless. We desire to win souls and Disciple others for Your Glory Sir. We are utterly dependent upon You. Holy Spirit cultivate Your Precious Fruit with in us to a deeper degree than we have had before. Help us Sir to navigate through 2025 in Growth for Your Glory. Give us Wisdom and discernment in every decision we are faced with. Keep us alert, focused upon You, and a keen sensitivity to Your Voice. Take us to higher heights and deeper depths in our intimacy with You. Help us Sir to throw off every weight, every disappointment and snare of any potential offense. Grace us with empowerment of Your Gifts, regarding whatever is needed at the time. Help us in the challenges and distractions of life to not lose heart in doing good. You have said it Sir, “We will reap a harvest if we faint not.” (Galatians 6:9). We take hold of YOUR GRACE In JESUS NAME to THRIVE IN 25.
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