As we are in the heat of the very life of our Nation, we are reminded to Worship The Lord, enjoy His Presence, keep Focus, stay in Faith, & embrace The Father’s Heart for humanity as we imitate Him. We reflect on an old cartoon sketch of two men crawling on their knees with the blazing hot sun upon their backs in a desert wilderness; both of these men being desperate of thirst cried out. It is quite interesting how they both had the same need, but yet much different requests. One man cried out for water & nothing more, yet the other cried out for a large glass of water with a twist of lemon, & an oatmeal raisin cookie. This comical cartoon illustration has some profound truth in it, & poses a question, Are we believing for The more? We are here not for the satisfaction of the immediate appetite only, but to something bigger, grander, & more eternal. The God of The Universe delights in Big vision from HIS people. God’s Word tells us “without vision, people perish.” Proverbs 29:18. When we do not live out that in which we were created for, we shrivel up and die. We may live in the natural, but Our Spirit Man, the part of us that will live for all of eternity becomes apathetic, indifferent and atrophic (wasting away). We are encouraged to cultivate a life of worship unto God. Worship is the manifestation of one that is truly His, being set apart for Him, and growing in Grace & Knowledge of Him. There is no separation of secular & sacred. All is sacred. Out of this love relationship with Him, we cannot help but to ask Our Father Big Requests as we have & are in continuation of knowing HIM & HIS WILL. It is not His Will that any should perish. HE has redeemed us by His Grace, empowers us, and instructs us in co-laboring with Him. He alone broadens our desires to represent Him beyond our local Community, City, State & Nation. He impresses us to pray & to reach out to the Nations even in the Intensity & Instability in our own Nation. Evangelism in its purist form is simply an overflow of worship. In our past we would have never thought about other people on the other side of the planet much less pray for them or provide for Missionaries to go to them. His heart is to open our eyes to see His Heart. “For God so loved The World, that He Gave HIS Only Begotten Son. John 3:16. In the secret place, we get His Heart. Our vision is broadened when we find ourselves praying & believing for those who live next door to us and also the least evangelized across the Globe. Do we think our sphere of influence is only in our family, Church Family, and yes even local community? Because of vast technology we have information about others on the planet who need JESUS. If we cannot go to them, could we pray for laborers to be sent to them? Could we give financially and pray for The Gospel to be spread? And should we not be lifting our vision higher as we come in contact with those right in front of us? And as a result see the lame walk, deaf ears opened, blind eyes seeing, the dead raised & The Good News on display? Are we merely asking for water when all the while we could be asking for the tall glass of water with the lemon twist and the oatmeal raisin cookie as illustrated above in the cartoon illustration? Should we not as The Body of Christ imitate Him and have HIS Heartbeat for Humanity? Jesus paid for us to enjoy His Presence and to do exploits with Him. We are uniquely designed by Him for intimacy and an eternal purpose with Him. Our activities in our life are to be aligned in such a fashion that we intentionally create that space with Him alone. Jesus is our example. May we sincerely imitate Him and desire to get alone and truly to Be Still & know that He is God. (Psalm 46:10). Out of this Love relationship with Him we will be catapulted to see, hear, & act upon that which is HIS Kingdom Come, and His Will be done. “We can be straight as a gun barrel theologically & as empty as one spiritually” “If we major on knowing God, & cultivate a sense of His presence in our daily lives, & do what Brother Lawrence advices by Practicing the Presence of God daily, & seek to know The Holy Spirit in the scriptures, we will go a long way in serving our generation for God.” A.W. Tozer. We will appear before The Lord one day to give an account of how we stewarded this great salvation. Were we a living sacrifice not from obligation but from a heart of thanksgiving that wanted to be near Him.? And as a result conformed to His likeness as we requested Him to fill us daily with His Spirit? Billions of people are perishing without the knowledge of Jesus Christ. The time is short. Strengthened by His help, may we wholly accept the invitation He has entrusted to us to seek His heart for the lost and perishing. May we ask of Him to fill us with His Love, Compassion, & multiplied Grace to do our part to fulfill the Great Commission? (Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15, Luke 24:46-49, and Acts 1:8). Is our Worship Overflowing?
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for allowing the use of his painting, "The Prodigal", for our header. "Image copyrighted by Art2See, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Somerset House Publishing, Inc." Texas Drug Rehab Center for Christians AthensGuy.com - Web Design |