“ I want to know Christ & the power of His resurrection” Philippians 3:10


Prioritize is to arrange in order of significance so that you can properly take care of the most weighty matters first.
Our priorities can change at different times in our life. Priorities will indeed shift depending on the responsibilities in our given season. Never is it to be taken lightly how we steward the many duties at hand. We will indeed be held accountable in how we managed. Even so there should always be a resolved and remaining first commitment established upon Covenant when we surrender with our whole heart to The Lord. Whatever held preeminence prior to becoming a Disciple of Christ, now should lose its superior status. Nothing or no one holds the number one priority as HE does. If this is not the case, then we need to revisit our surrender to HIM.

Love The Lord, Your God with all your heart, Soul, mind, and strength. This is indeed the greatest of all commandments. Jesus addressed the Pharisee in Matthew 22:37-40, and also the Church of Ephesus in regards to this. If we have allowed our intimacy and knowing Him to take a secondary or even on down the line position…. We have lost our first Love. (Revelation 2:4). If we prioritize wisely, there will be several essentials we abide by:


Our absolute highest priority should always be our relationship with God and fulfilling His Will. No matter the time, & the sudden responsibilities that may be thrust upon us, one thing should hold utmost status, & remain unshifted. We must be resolved to know Christ and the power of His resurrection. We must be a recipient of His Grace & His empowerment to become more like Him. When filled by Him, we make an eternal impact in these very urgent times we are living in. We must be wrapped in humility & by the multiplicity of His Grace fellowship in His sufferings & to die to ourself in order that HE is high and lifted up.

Our Nation desperately needs Jesus. Are you empowered with His Spirit to carry Him in the chaos? We are living in some critical times. Many voices, & situations bid for our attention. Evil has escalated. The greatest justice we could ever do in making an impact in a dark world is to be adamant with our Status One Priority remaining unhindered. If we truly desire to know HIM the more, live in His resurrected Power & yield to dying to self daily, our intimacy & dialogue with HIM will flourish. Loving His Word increases, Our love abounds, & we will sincerely care about the lost. HE then can use us for His Glory in these last days. “And I continually long to know the wonders of Jesus & to experience the overflowing power of His resurrection working in me. I will be one with Him in His sufferings & become like Him in His death.” Phil. 3:10 TPT. The Apostle Paul penned this passage not as a new comer to Christ, but one that had quite a history with Christ. We can never exhaust getting to know The Lord or experiencing His Power working in and through us.

Do you know HIM experientially? Are you becoming more thoroughly acquainted with HIM? Are you understanding more the remarkable wonders of HIS person? Are you experiencing the power of HIS resurrection which overflows & is active in those that do not limit Him? Does your life no longer belong to you? (Gal. 2:20) Are you sensitive to HIS Spirit & live a life of quick repentance regarding anything that would grieve or hinder your relationship with HIM? Are you yielded to continually being conformed into HIS Likeness even to death? Are you teachable? It is of utmost importance. Make sure your priorities are in proper alignment. “Remember, in the end, you are not living to impress your friends, relatives, or coworkers. All of Life is for Jesus.”

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Shiloh Ministries would like to extend it's thanks to Ron DiCianni
for allowing the use of his painting, "The Prodigal", for our header.
"Image copyrighted by Art2See, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Somerset House Publishing, Inc."

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