SHILOH MESSENGER - December 2022


"Therefore, Keep Watch, because you do not know the day on which your LORD will come" (Matthew 24:42-44)

In this end of the year Newsletter, & this month in which we celebrate Christmas, we kept sensing these words, KEEP WATCH. Anytime other topics would come into our minds regarding the December Newsletter content, Well… It just didn’t happen. Holy Spirit was relentless and kept bringing us back to KEEP WATCH. The word WATCH carries great weight, it is powerful, and it is significantly productive. Watch is a VERB. An action word that means to keep vigil, to be attentive or vigilant, to keep guard, to keep someone or something under close observation, TO BE EXPECTANT, To take care of, to be on the alert, look out, to be careful. So this word, WATCH has a great and weighty responsibility. The word watch in the Greek means to be Circumspectly, Attentive and Ready. The word of God expresses the importance of the word Watch. “Take ye heed, watch and pray, for you know not when the time is.” Mark 13:33. “ Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before The Son Of Man.” Luke 21:36. “Praying always with all prayer and supplication in The Spirit and watching there unto with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints.” Ephesians 6:18. The Word of God tells us if the owner of the house had known when the thief would have broken in, the owner would have been prepared. We have been given so many warnings about the soon coming again of The Lord Jesus. We are totally with out excuse in this United States of America. We have been so blessed to have heard The Gospel and so many opportunities to respond, and be ready. We will be held accountable to a stricter degree. To whom much is given, much is required. (Luke 12:48) There are still others in distant lands who have never heard The Gospel once, do not have The Word of God in their language, do not have Churches that preach the uncompromised Word of God. Yes indeed we have been richly blessed to be born and bred in this Nation.

With Christmas approaching and as we look to celebrate the first coming of Christ, may we examine ourselves under the search light of Holy Spirit, Are We indeed watching? HE is coming again soon. The Word of God tells us the day and hour of HIS coming again is not known except by The Father, however we can surely know the signs as JESUS clearly expressed this after HIS Disciples asked. (Matthew chapter 24) Do you see the signs? The signs displayed for us are everywhere. We have been warned. Never has there been a time to be compromising. We do not know our last breath on this side. ARE YOU READY? IS YOUR LAMP FULL OF OIL? What is this oil that is spoken of in Matthew chapter 25? In God’s Word, Jesus tells us the Parable of the 10 Virgins. 5 were wise and 5 were foolish. The 5 wise had oil in their lamps. The 5 foolish not so. (Matthew 25:1-13.) Do you have oil? Oil in Scripture is a metaphor for Holy Spirit who brings us revelation of The Word of God and Power for Ministry. Are you daily asking HIM to fill your lamp with oil as you fellowship with HIM? Or are you busy with life and no time to sit with HIM and truly host HIS presence. This life is not a drive through window to fill up quickly on oil and with the foot on the pedal drive off speedily and on to our lives, & next busy activity. Be careful what you put before THE LORD. HE WILL HAVE NO OTHER god’s BEFORE HIM. Nothing or no one can be of first priority except HIM. The very first commandment, “You shall have no other god’s before ME.” Christmas gets very busy… more so than any other month on our calendars. BE CAREFUL…. How are you stewarding your relationship with this soon coming again KING? ARE YOU READY? The only one that can check the oil in your lamp is HE HIMSELF. We would fool our own selves thinking we are alright, we are ready, we are living up to what a Christian should be. Does HE know you? Is your name in HIS BOOK? Is HE your First Love? Do you have oil in your lamp? If uncertain or any doubt at all. ASK HIM. INQUIRE OF HIM. ASK HIM TO SEARCH YOUR HEART.

This is a sobering letter but one we again sensed is urgent and we were compelled with. People are going into Eternity every second, we are none promised tomorrow. The Word of God tells us to make our election sure. There are absolutely no substitutes for hosting HIS presence. We can be busy doing work in THE KINGDOM and miss THE KING. HIS Word tells us this by the 5 foolish virgins and HE responded to them, “Depart from ME, I never knew you.” In Matthew 25:6, this is not simply meet HIM, it is a rare Greek Noun that means to “Have a meeting or an encounter.” Does HE know you? Do you share quality time with HIM throughout the 24-hour day or are you a 5 minute with GOD devotional type of a person? Yes, there are so many devotionals with titles… Five minutes with God… One minute devotionals… Oh My… if this is all we have to give out of a 24 hour day to the one that created us and we will stand before ….The one that gave HIS LIFE for us, The one that holds the wind in HIS fist., The one that Angels are bowing before and proclaiming HOLY HOLY HOLY is THE LORD GOD ALMIGHTY... ARE WE TRULY EXPECTING, ARE WE WATCHING, ARE WE HOSTING HIS PRESENCE, IS HIS WORD A TREASURE CHEST FOR US? Are our days wrapped up in AWE of THIS KING? Taking Inventory is so vital. HE is the only one that can give us an accurate report.

It is wise to include in our conversations with HIM a petition for a fervent, expectant, passionate heart for HIM. It is wisdom in asking HIM to purge us, purify us, and make our lives count for HIS Glory, and for HOLY SPIRIT to keep us watchful and ready. How much of your day is filled with HIM? When we think about the first advent and the awe and wonder of this Child born in a manger. HE came on a mission to die for humanity. Now to think about HE is no longer that Baby wrapped in swaddling clothes. HE is at the right HAND OF THE FATHER, and HE is dressed in Splendor and awaiting THE FATHER to say NOW IS THE TIME. It is a sobering reality. We must remain ready and watching for HIS second Coming. Are you ready? No, we do not mean ready for Christmas with all the activities and gift swapping, and Schedules going here and there, and with all the special food preps. Yes, those activities have a place, but We are talking Eternity. No other activities or people are to take first place. Our Prayer life, and our intimate times of worship with HIM is our lamp. In Hosting HIS Presence, we get fresh oil. Are you ready for HIS SECOND COMING? ARE YOU READY TO SEE HIM FACE TO FACE? Can anyone be asked that question too many times? So much is at stake. It will matter for all of Eternity. Are you watching, focused, alert, AND EXPECTING? Are you listening for HIS instructions to you for the assignments that HE has ordained for you? The Word of God tells us that HE shares HIS secrets with those that FEAR HIM. (Psalm 25:14) We must take seriously Meeting with HIM through prayer and The Study of HIS Word. Someone asked Charles Spurgeon what was the most important, Prayer or Reading the Bible? Charles Spurgeon replied, “What is more important, breathing in or breathing out?” Both are vitally important to BE READY. We cannot truly worship HIM and not be watching and longing for HIS RETURN. LET EVERY HEART PREPARE HIM ROOM, AND HEAVEN AND NATURE SING. THE KING IS COMING. BE ALERT. KEEP WATCH.


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Shiloh Ministries would like to extend it's thanks to Ron DiCianni
for allowing the use of his painting, "The Prodigal", for our header.
"Image copyrighted by Art2See, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Somerset House Publishing, Inc."

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