The Voices of History

“We will not hide these truths from our children, we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of THE LORD, about HIS Power, and HIS mighty wonders.” Ps 78:4



Oh how thankful we are for the precious men and woman of GOD that have gone on before us that indeed lived lives worthy of The Gospel Of JESUS. Their biographies, testimonies, and examples do stir us with desire to finish our assignments on this side of Eternity with fervent passion and excellence in all that our MASTER and LORD has given us the privilege of stewarding. JESUS IS WORTHY TO RECEIVE HIS FULL INTERITANCE. We encourage you to hear the voices of History that burned with passion and obedience to THE LORD JESUS. We are all invited to take inventory of our lives under the search light of HOLY SPIRIT. A good question to ask of THE LORD... Are there adjustments that I need to make in my own life to be in alignment regarding how, YOU, LORD, desire to use me to be a strong Testimony for YOU?

This month we share a part of the biography on Reuben Archer Torrey. He lived from 1856-1928. Torrey was from a wealthy Family and graduated from a private school in New York at age 14. He had to wait another year to be eligible for College, and then he enrolled at Yale. He was an American Educator, Theologian, and Minister. He was a Congregational Minister and worked closely with D.L. Moody. He was born in 1856 in Hoboken, New Jersey. His student life was marked with doubts and battles, but his mother never gave up on him and prayed unceasingly. As an Adult, Torrey would look back on his time in College as mostly mis-spent on partying and triviality, card playing, dancing, & drinking to excess. His family were Christians and his Mother wanted him to be a Minister. He felt like he would miss out on life to the full if he became a Minister. He became so heavily burdened fighting God’s call on his life and felt sure if he surrendered fully to THE LORD, and a life of preaching The Gospel, that life would not be worth living. After this crisis in his life regarding such a battle of his own will, he became so depressed that he had even formulated a suicide plan, but instead of taking on the razor, he dropped to his knees and cried out to God in surrender. His Mother’s Prayers prevailed, and he gave his life to The LORD. Torrey went on to Yale Divinity School where he did well academically and was licensed for Ministry. Both of his Parents died when he was 21 years of age and he was launching into his career as a Pastor in Ohio. He began practical preparation in an Ohio Pastorate with only a very small community, but proved himself a man of persistence, called by GOD, laboring incessantly and preaching faithfully. In one of his early pastorates, he met and married Clara Belle Smith & lived a lifestyle of Faith utterly dependent upon God with their 5 Children. Meditating much on GOD’S WORD, Torrey was very balanced in all he said, did, and believed. His unchanging spiritual attitude and persistent faith came out of a victorious life. For his will to be GOD”S WILL meant total devotion to CHRIST. In 1889, Dwight L. Moody called him to Chicago to become the superintendent of the school which became Moody Bible Institute. He also served twelve years as Pastor of the Chicago Avenue Church. Surrendering ones Will was a prominent Writing that Torrey used in many of his books that he wrote as he knew first hand that experience. DL Moody had such an impact on Torrey as a mentor and Torrey ended up even writing about him. WHY GOD USED DL MOODY? The Answer is in FULL SURRENDER TO THE LORD.

Torrey prayed that GOD would send him around the World preaching THE GOSPEL. This was later fulfilled during the years of 1902– 1906. He and Charles Alexander conducted very fruitful evangelistic outreaches in Australia, Tasmania, New Zealand, India, China, Japan, Britain, Germany, Canada, and the U.S. A. Torrey was Dean at the Bible Institute of Los Angeles 1912-1919, from 1914 he also served as a Pastor of the Church of The Open Door. From 1924 till his death, he ministered in conferences and taught at The Moody Bible Institute. Torrey was a man of Faith, Prayer, and Conviction who never built on the approval of men but on the deeply-rooted foundation of the Truth of GOD’S WORD, THE BIBLE. He delighted in taking controversial subjects and preaching apologetics from them. Apologetics is a branch of theology devoted to the defense of the DIVINE origin and Authority Of Christianity. His style was highly apologetic, turning hard questions into Gospel Opportunities, and many of his books, How To Work for CHRIST, The Baptism of THE HOLY SPIRIT, Topical Textbook, are classics on BIBLICAL Approaches to SOUL WINNING. His book on the power of prayer is one of those handbooks that every Christian should have. R.A. Torrey’s highest ambition was to win souls. He stated, “ I would rather win souls than the be the greatest king or emperor on earth; I would rather win souls than be the greatest general that ever commanded an army; I would rather win souls than be the greatest poet, or novelist, or literary man who ever walked the earth. My one ambition in life is to win as many as possible. Oh, it is the only thing worth doing, to save souls; and men and women, we can all do it!”

R.A. Torrey was BOLD, & PASSIONATE FOR CHRIST. He obtained that Boldness through a life surrendered to HOLY SPIRIT and passionate intimate on-going pursuit of JESUS, for JESUS to be EXALTED, and for THE ADVANCEMENT OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD. He was a Man of Prayer, and study of THE WORD. He is noted for saying the following…..“ The one who is truly born again will love THE WORD OF GOD. Every Christian who does not study, REALLY STUDY THE BIBLE and everyday study it, is a fool.” “The Chief purpose of prayer is that GOD may be Glorified in the answer.” “Oh, Men and women, pray through; pray through! Do not just begin to pray and pray a little while and throw up your hands and quit; but pray and pray and pray until GOD bends the heavens and comes down.” “The reason why many fail in battle is because they wait until the hour of battle. The reasons why others succeed is because they have gained their victory on their knees before the battle came. Anticipate your battles, fight them on your knees before the trial comes.” “ If we think of Holy Spirit only as an impersonal power of influence, then our thought will be, how can I get hold of and use Holy Spirit, but if we think of HIM in the BIBLICAL WAY as a DIVINE PERSON, INFINETLY WISE, INFINETLTY HOLY, INFINITELTY TENDER, then our thought will constantly be, HOLY SPIRIT GET A HOLD OF AND USE ME.” “Triumphant Prayer is almost impossible where there is neglect of the study of The Word Of God.” R.A. TORREY



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for allowing the use of his painting, "The Prodigal", for our header.
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