Compelling Action Into Military Maneuvers of Mercy 

"Sanctify a fast; call a solemn assembly." (Joel 2:15)

Prayer on behalf of another is not new at Shiloh Ministries. From the beginning, God has given us a desire to place high emphasis on standing in the gap for others. We have observed that the teaching on intercessory prayer is taught best through demonstration. Several times a week the students and staff come together for worship & intercessory prayer. Last month, I felt impressed by the Holy Spirit to implement a day every week in July, for fasting & praying for our Nation. Debbie and I have fasted on many occasions when seeking God on matters personally and for the Ministry; but we have never implemented a corporate fast for Shiloh. This Divine instruction has not been carried out in a frivolous manner. I try to be very mindful of God’s heart. I prayerfully study & meditate on the Word of God to understand God’s love, His mercy, His grace & His righteous judgment. As the shepherd of Shiloh I am responsible to God for overseeing the spiritual well being of those that God has entrusted to me. I am called to disciple & mentor men and am convinced that God is urging me to instruct and implement the urgent necessity of fasting and praying for the United States of America.  Our Nation is on a fast downward spiral. Repentance and a sincere return to God is our only hope. I have communicated to Shiloh students & staff that this is not a mandatory fast. It is only for those that believe it is a spiritual act of accountability for what has been freely given to us (Luke 12:48). We have been given so much by our God.  “As His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him who called us by glory and virtue”, 2 Peter 1:3.

Prayer on behalf of another is not new at Shiloh Ministries. From the beginning, God has given us a desire to place high emphasis on standing in the gap for others. We have observed that the teaching on intercessory prayer is taught best through demonstration. Several times a week the students and staff come together for worship & intercessory prayer. Last month, I felt impressed by the Holy Spirit to implement a day every week in July, for fasting & praying for our Nation. Debbie and I have fasted on many occasions when seeking God on matters personally and for the Ministry; but we have never implemented a corporate fast for Shiloh. This Divine instruction has not been carried out in a frivolous manner. I try to be very mindful of God’s heart. I prayerfully study & meditate on the Word of God to understand God’s love, His mercy, His grace & His righteous judgment. As the shepherd of Shiloh I am responsible to God for overseeing the spiritual well being of those that God has entrusted to me. I am called to disciple & mentor men and am convinced that God is urging me to instruct and implement the urgent necessity of fasting and praying for the United States of America.  Our Nation is on a fast downward spiral. Repentance and a sincere return to God is our only hope. I have communicated to Shiloh students & staff that this is not a mandatory fast. It is only for those that believe it is a spiritual act of accountability for what has been freely given to us (Luke 12:48). We have been given so much by our God. 

There are so many Biblical reasons to fast. Proper fasting with sincerity and respect to the Lord will positively break the yokes of sin, sickness, and spiritual oppression. (Isaiah 58:6) Jesus taught fasting as one of the four foundations of the Christian faith. These foundations are: giving, praying, fasting, and faith. (Please study Matthew 6.) Fasting pleases the spirit. The flesh and the spirit are at enmity with each other. Fasting is the most sure spiritual method to bring a revival. A revival begins in our heart first, and then one comes about in the community. Souls become saved. Fasting when properly entered into is the surest method of consecration and sanctification. Fasting reaches and obtains what prayer alone cannot, because it removes unbelief. (Matthew 17:20-21) We should fast because fasting was a part of the life of our Lord, Jesus Christ (Matt. 4:1-2; John 6:27) and He urged us to follow Him (Luke 9:23). Every single person in the early Church fasted (Acts 14:23). We therefore are not to do less. The Lord placed a definite fast on the children of Israel (Deut. 6:11-12; 8:3,12-14) in order that their unbelief environment acquired in the land of Egypt could be broken, and they could more speedily enter into the Promised Land. Because they rejected these fastings, their few days journey was drawn out to 40 years. We should take heed to this sad lesson and hasten to fast, so we may enter into the promises that the Lord has waiting for us (John 11:24-26; II Tim. 1:10; I John 2:25).

Genuine merciful intercession accompanied with fasting is a military maneuver for the sons and daughters of God’s Kingdom. I believe there is a great cloud of witnesses in heaven (Heb. 12:1). They are shouting from heavens portals for us to carry the baton of endurance to fight the good fight of faith. Those witnesses are the ones who went before us an obtained a firm righteous foundation for America. Some lost their lives for our freedom. “In God We Trust” was their spiritual anthem of honor to God. We must be reminded to do the same. Our spiritual inheritance is worth more than just lip service. Our hearts must be turned to God, “the sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart-- These, O God, You will not despise", Psalms 51:17. We face grave consequences if we do not. We must enforce our victory from the spiritual conquest of Calvary (Col. 2:15). Let us implement this strategy of Compelling Action Into Military Maneuvers Of Mercy through Fasting & Prayer.

The Shiloh Ministry Team

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Shiloh Ministries would like to extend it's thanks to Ron DiCianni
for allowing the use of his painting, "The Prodigal", for our header.
"Image copyrighted by Art2See, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Somerset House Publishing, Inc."

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