SHILOH MESSENGER - February 2007


"The Blood"

“For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul.’ Leviticus 17:11 (NKJV)

I do not really pay much attention to the television. I can not trust all the news and media, but I use it to help my business. I do not care for reality shows, games shows, infomercials, and very few dramas. My wife likes to watch the Home and Garden Network, and my Pastor and his wife like to watch the Food Channel; but when I am alone in my study, and I have done all my praying, research, and writing, I usually wind up on one of the discovery channels. It is in this venue that God answered a burning question in my heart. You see, as I watch some obscure, poverty stricken, third world people as they live their lives, I notice a very familiar yet curious corporate behavioral trait. It does not matter whether they are in South America, Africa, or the Far East; even though they have no common heredity, communication skills, and will never see out of their own villages, their humanity exudes a part of them that lives in every man, woman, and child on this earth, they sacrifice: A very large part of their own existence consists of the preparation, the ceremony, and the cleansing that comes through the sacrifice of animals. Why do they sacrifice? They know that in order for them to have fullness of life and peace with the spirit world that the blood of that animal is the only possible and acceptable way for that to happen. Now how did they learn that? Who taught them that? Can I submit to you that every human being, if they were honest with themselves can understand the importance of the role that blood plays in their relationship with God? I have been asking the Lord if I only had one chance to tell the world the one message He would want me to preach, what would it be? And His answer is as follows. If you were to sacrifice an animal for every sin you committed, you would never be able to keep up. All the animals would disappear. Here is Gods love demonstrated. The very God who himself demands the sacrifice of blood for sin, has offered HIS OWN BLOOD in the life of his Son Jesus Christ for the atonement of the sins of the people who receive it by profession of faith. Life is in blood. Blood is life-(Lev 17:11, Heb 9:22). It is the unsearchable and unending measure of God’s love for His creation that brings people to a decision-(Rom 2:4). That love is manifested when we freely accept the blood of His Son for the atonement of our sins, and the guilt, condemnation, and stain of sin is removed from our lives. Unlike every other professing religious faith and people, the only blood that has to be offered for the atonement of sin is God’s. When personal sin is confronted, confessed, and repented of, that very blood covers that child of God and they are cleansed from their sins with the blood, and the truly victorious life is available. This would seem an overly simplistic message to the common reader, but let me ask you this? Why are so many unhappy? Why are so many in bondages, addictions, depressive mental states, openly rebellious, and suicidal? Chances are many of you are struggling in some area of your life. Many have lost hope. Many have resolved to accept things the way they are. Many have given up? I know in my heart, Gods love is greater than what you are facing. God can heal you, deliver you, restore you, and prosper you. There is nothing too hard for God. Nothing! It is not too late for you. Take comfort, God has not forsaken you. Let his love cover you with the yoke destroying, burden removing, liberating power of the blood of Jesus Christ. Choose life and live. There is power, power, wonder working power in “The Blood of The Lamb”, who is no other than Jesus Christ, The Risen Lord.

Mike Isham                   

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for allowing the use of his painting, "The Prodigal", for our header.
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