Revive: To Refine, Purify, Make Strong, Healthy, Resuscitate, Resurrect

“Now repent of your sins and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped away, so times of refreshing can come, Acts 3:19.

During the past century in the United States, the term “Revival” has normally meant a Church Sponsored evangelistic meeting during which a visiting Pastor or traveling Evangelist will speak at special services for a week or two, and those in attendance are asked either to make a first time decision for Christ or to rededicate their lives to HIM. Although this type of meeting can indeed bring on a true Holy Spirit Revival that can serve to transform Society, usually its measure is very simply few of people whose lives are changed by responding to the Evangelist’s appeals. The Revival America is in vital need of transforms lives, empowers Pastors, electrifies Churches, and brings the reality of God to massive populations in society. The Spiritual Climate in the entire Society is altered. More than ever, America needs a profound Spiritual Awakening. The best Biblical example of National repentance is described in the book of Jonah. Jonah humbled himself as he initially did not want the assignment God had given to him, however because of his obedience, The Prophet Jonah passed through the entire city of Nineveh with a message from God that in 40 days Nineveh would be destroyed. At that message, the heart of the King of Nineveh was touched, and he ordered National prayer, fasting, and repentance and even the animals were required to wear sackcloth as a sign of National repentance, Jonah, Chapter 3. Revival normally begins among God’s people but then soon it affects society, and the power of God is so strong that prostitutes, drug addicts, alcoholics, those addicted to gambling, pornography, and lust are set free and gloriously converted. Neighbors who have had alt against one another are healed in their relationships with love abounding, the Luke Warm Nominal Christians become Passionate for CHRIST, and the prodigals come home. In past revivals bars were closed for lack of customers, jails were empty for lack of disputes, men and women were drawn to prayer meetings with an urgency of eternity. “The true man of God is heartsick, grieved at the worldliness of the Church, grieved at the toleration of sin in the Church, grieved at the prayerlessness in the Church. He is disturbed that the corporate prayer of the Church no longer pulls down the strongholds of the devil. A man may study because his brain is hungry for knowledge, but he prays because his soul is hungry for God. We live in a generation that has never known Revival God’s way. True revival changes the moral climate of an area or a nation. Without exception all true revivals of the past began after years of agonizing, hell robbing, earth shaking, and heaven sent intercession. The secret to true revival in our own day is still the same. But where oh where are the intercessors?” Leonard Ravenhill. What then are the steps to Revival? God gave the formula to Solomon, King of Israel about 960 B.C. God said, “If MY people who are called by MY Name humble themselves, and pray and seek MY face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14  Then there are obvious reasons revival tarries as evidenced by not obeying what HE has already very clearly instructed. Pride is the precise opposite of humility and will surely hold back revival, because it declares independence form a Holy God, and basically manifests a life style of I can do this or that with flagrant arrogance and puts trust in self instead of dependence upon God almighty with the failing of admission that we are in urgent need of HIM. If we want God to move in our lives, our family, our Churches, our Cities, our States, Our Nation, then we must admit humbly before HIM our dire need and hopelessness without HIM. God hates Pride! When we have learned to function without the power of Holy Spirit in our Churches then we have no power, and this is dependence upon our flesh rather than HIS SPIRIT. Prayerlessness hinders revival. Prayerlessness is the first cousin to pride. We must be a praying people as prayer always precedes revival. We must call upon HIM, Talk to HIM, listen to HIM, be persistent in our asking, not losing heart and giving up but believing that HE whom we called upon is faithful, because without Faith it is impossible to please HIM, for we must believe in HIM whom we prayed to and that HE is a rewarder of those who diligently seek HIM. Hebrews 11:6.  It is a sad thing when Corporate Prayer Meetings are called and only a handful of people show up, yet people say they want revival. We are called to seek HIS face, this is intimacy, when we long for HIM, because we long to be with HIM, we are in love with HIM, and hunger for HIS presence. Revival does not come to a people that are seeking revival, but rather who are seeking God. Misplaced Priorities have kept many from seeking God’s Presence as other things, materialism, agendas and even people have come before God Almighty and this proves to be a sure snare. Also in this HOLY DIVINE formula is that we must be a people who turn from our wicked ways. Repentance must come, and repentance means truly being sorrowful that we have grieved God and then turning around and going the opposite direction from our sin, thus producing Fruit in keeping with repentance. Matthew 3:8. It is only when a Holy God places HIS Divine Plumb Line upon our heart that we can see what is in our heart and be honest. Repentance brings refreshment. Acts 3:19. We need revival, but revival will not come to a presumptuous people. It will only come to those who get honest about their sin; who confess, and forsake sin, and turn to God with all their hearts, “And you shall seek ME and find ME when you seek ME with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13. Our Heavenly Father has graciously given to us specific and special promises of instruction in HIS WORD that are conditional on our part. HE tells us exactly step by step what we are to do to get the desired results, and HE even has given to us HIS Sweet Spirit to aide us in accomplishing those conditions in which HE requires. If we truly want revival to come, this is the Divine Formula that Almighty God has given and it has never changed and nor will it. We are in a crisis where we need revival in our Nation like never before. Will you be a participant of ushering in one of the greatest revivals our Nation has yet had, are you ready to meet the conditions or will you sit on the sidelines and be a non-participant filled with complaints, doubt and unbelief? Revival begins on an individual basis and then spreads outward catching others on Fire.

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Shiloh Ministries would like to extend it's thanks to Ron DiCianni
for allowing the use of his painting, "The Prodigal", for our header.
"Image copyrighted by Art2See, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of Somerset House Publishing, Inc."

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