The Progression of Holy Passion
Song of Solomon Ch. 5

 In the eight chapters of Song of Solomon utilizing the Spiritual Interpretaion we discover a continuous and connected series of events that are strategically designed for this Shulamite Maiden in whom is representative of The Bride of Christ. These events put her to the test and reveal the outcome of her progressive growth in love. For you see a maturing love cannot stay the same as was in the beginning and be it as it may, this maturation largely comes about because of the tests and pressures along the journey. These allowed pressures actually can strengthen our resolve and reveal the sincerity and depth of our relationship with our Bridegroom King Jesus Christ. One genuine encounter with HIM changes everything and she is no longer content with any other Lover. Any other Lover represents anything or anyone that we allow to have first place and first priority in our lives. When presented alongside the Bride’s All Together Lovely Bridegroom King, all other Lovers pale far in comparison. Song of Solomon 5:16
The first of two tests that are described in chapter 5 of Song of Solomon is that of HIS tangible presence lifted and not felt by her, even though in this particular season she has been obedient to HIM. This is a tremendous test for her as she longs to be with HIM more than anything or anybody for HE is number one in her life, as she truly knows HIM, Loves HIM and takes such a delight in HIS presence.  This test however painful proves to be beneficial as it catapults her into more hunger and greater tenacity to find HIM, and also causes the less mature in their relationship with HIM that are watching her to be inquisitive of her fired up hot passion for HIM. This manifestation of a difficult time in her life and the way she handles it is on display for others to see and they want to know and ask of her, “What makes your Lover better than any other Lover?” Song of Solomon 5:9
People watch our lives in general, but even the more when we are going through a trial. What is it that your life says about you when you are going through a test, and does your lifestyle continue to reveal passion for Jesus even in times when you don’t particularly sense HIS presence? In times of difficulty it is an opportunity to grow some more and it all depends on how we handle the pressure. Will we retreat and turn away from HIM, or will we choose to go after HIM all the more remembering HIS Attributes that we have experienced and letting others know in the midst of our storm that HE is my Beloved, HE is my Friend. Will we love, serve, and be captivated by HIM only in times when we sense HIM  or are we at a place where we are in this relationship forever and eternally regardless of what we sense in any particular season. “Lord God, place a seal of fire upon my heart, that many waters cannot quench.” Song of Songs 8:6 & 7.
Jesus is looking for voluntary Lovers, of who are in this on-going relationship for Love no matter the cost, trial, tests, pressures and difficulties of this spiritual journey, and for these that are all in with no retreat HE can trust with more of HIS Secrets, and further assignment to HIS Enterprise for they are after HIM, HE is their reason. Psalm 25:14
The times on our journey where there are no “goose bumps” and there are no wonderful tender feelings of HIS sweet presence are times for us not to retreat but to continue to pursue HIM, for when we cannot seemingly trace HIS Hand, we must know that we can always trust HIS Heart, for HIS Word and our personal History with HIM are utmost. HE tells us in HIS Word that HE will never leave us or forsake us, Hebrews 13:5 and Every Word of God proves true. Proverbs 30:5
The Shulamite Maiden also experienced the test of being mistreated by others that are betrothed to Christ and are in leading positions. We all will experience this at some point in our progression of maturity of Holy Passion, and sadly so many do not pass this test for they walk away from The Lover of their Souls with offense as many have actually said, “Well if that is The Church, I want no part”,  yet we will find our beloved Shepherd Bridegroom King amongst HIS Church and all along it is a test of the first and greatest commandment, will we love HIM more than any obstacle or offense that may come, and can we trust HIS leadership while HE is revealing to us and giving us Grace to see those individuals as HE does and sincerely pray for Those that have come across with a lack thereof  of  Christ’s  Image. If we trust HIM to help us navigate in love during this sensitive time when our flesh would like nothing more than to walk away, then this will surely take us over into the second greatest commandment as well with loving others as ourselves. Jesus invites us into the garden of Gethsemane with HIM. If HE HIMSELF was so mistreated by those IN CHURCH, how do we think that we may not, Yet Jesus said this, “Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing.” HE gives us supernatural ability when we do it HIS way and it always results in maturity in our lives.
Passion for The Bridegroom is the Core, the very strength of Christianity, for we find our fortitude, resolve, and ever increasing Faith that works only by Love when we are lined up with the first and greatest commandment. Matthew 22:37

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