Deep Calls Unto Deep

 Psalm 42:7

I'm sure you have heard the expression I am so deep into trouble it looks like no way out, or what about these expressions, I am so deep into debt, I see no way out, and I am so deeply distraught and confused. Deep, I am talking about deep! Webster's dictionary defines deep as extending far downward, extremely grave or serious. Have you ever been there? When you are over your head, and it seems like there is no way of escape, then you have an opportunity for deep to call unto DEEP. The One who is deeper than any depth you will ever experience. He alone is able to conquer your deep and bring you out!
Much of the time when those deep times come in our lives, and they indeed will, (Job14:1). We are drawn to natural reasoning and in our minds and our emotions we say there is “No Way”. Wrong thinking equals wrong actions. When a person walks in the flesh, he only believes what he sees. When a person walks in the Spirit of God, he sees what he believes from God's Word. When we begin seeing what we believe from God's Word, then He is able to do exceedingly great and wonderful things in our lives. Walking in the flesh, and only believing what you see has no profit. Jeremiah 17:5 says; Thus says the LORD: "Cursed is the man who trusts in man; And makes flesh his strength, Whose heart departs from the LORD". To only believe what you see prohibits you from profiting from Gods Word.
Being in the deep is not a bad place to be. It gives you an incredible opportunity to be a witness to DEEP, (Almighty God) moving in your midst. Many of us would not have become intimate with God had it not been for those deep times in our lives. In June of 1992, I was experiencing a deep crisis in my life, a double deep. My home was completely destroyed by fire, and then 10 days later my husband took his life. This is deep stuff. How do you come out of that kind of deep? For several months, a year to be exact, I stayed there in that deep. On the outside it seemed as if I was A OK. I worked; I made important critical decisions on my job. I consumed myself with busyness. All this time, my deep was pulling me farther down. I developed some un-Godly relationships in my deep. I stuffed and stuffed all my emotions inside. No amount of being busy, no type of escapism, no amount of denial, will get you out of the deep. Finally when I came to the realization, I am in deep distress, there is no way out through me, or by others, or by other things. I am hopeless. I will die here defeated if God does not help me out, and set me in a safe place. I cried out to God. Deep was calling unto DEEP. I said "God there is nothing left of me but dust particles, but if You will, You can blow upon my life for Your Glory. I give You no Glory like I am. Please do, otherwise, please take me. I no longer want to merely exist and bring dishonor to Your Name." God heard my cry of desperation. He did bring me out. He set me in a safe place. He moved me to YWAM Nashville, an International Inter- Denominational Christian Mission.
I was there for several years. He protected me, nurtured me, taught me, healed me, delivered me, and took me on a journey with Him that I cherish with all of my heart. He became my Husband. I gave Him myself completely to do with me as He so desired, and position me as He pleased and wherever He pleased. My life was no longer mine. Five years later, He united me with my husband, Rocky. He called us to be together as one to disciple men who are in deep distress. Men who are hopeless and there seems to be no way out.
When you have been in the deep yourself, and God who is deeper moves you out, you do not forget. Your gratefulness is revealed by telling others about He who can also bring them out. Then and only then do you serve Him out of love for Him and not desperation. George Matheson, the well-known blind preacher of Scotland once said, "My Dear God, I have never thanked You for my thorns. I have thanked You a thousand times for my Roses, but not once for my thorns. I have always looked forward to the place where I will be rewarded for my cross, but I have never thought of my cross as a present Glory itself. Teach me O Lord to glory in my cross. Teach me the value of my thorns. Show me how I have climbed to You through the path of pain. Show me it is through my tears I have seen my rainbows."
I do not know what you are facing today, but there is one who does, and He is DEEPER, and can overcome anything you encounter.
I remember the movie "The Hiding Place". It was Betsy Ten Boom, who would say that nothing is too deep that God is not deeper still. The Ten Boom's were in deep, more than we could ever imagine. Here they were in that Nazi concentration camp being tortured for hiding and helping the Jewish people. Betsy died in the camp, but Corrie, her sister made it out. She survived and was victorious after her release. Why? Her Spirit was instilled with the words, No deep is so deep that He is not deeper still. It was those very words that gave her the strength to forgive a German soldier years later who had played a part in her deep distress and torture.
Nothing is too Deep! Not the greatest offense! Not the greatest sorrow! Not the greatest pain! Not the greatest debt! Not the greatest multiplicity of life's problems compounded, not the fiercest disease, not the most horrific family problem, Nothing! Nothing is too deep for Him who is DEEPER. Nothing can overshadow Him. He is the one who overshadows.
Theologians contribute Psalm 42 to the Sons of Korah. The Sons of Korah were the temple musicians. They were writing to the lonely and depressed. We can learn from them. They say in verse 5 and echo again in verse 11 these powerful words..... "Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him." They got a hold of something that was valuable for us, because God inspired it to be recorded in the Word of God. “God is DEEPER than my deep”. He is my hope. I will call out to Him. My deep distress will not keep me from praising Him. They encountered God’s Presence. They believed God. They were saying, I am in deep, deep distress, but soul of mine (mind, will, and emotions of mine) Hope in God.
So next time you are in the deep of things take these temple musicians advice, praise Him, He is Deeper! He will bring you out! Say to yourself, "ARISE " Take a stand to hold on to He who is DEEPER still, and watch His strong arm of deliverance bring you out.!!!

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for allowing the use of his painting, "The Prodigal", for our header.
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